Charity Performance
Our Charity Show this year was extra special - "101 Dalmations" helped to raise a record high - over $2500.00 to be donated to St. Jude's Hospital in the name of a very special angel - Sarah Pulaski (former student of both Miss Marla and Miss Kendall) - Sarah is forever in our hearts! The show was particularly special because it was the last show that Miss Marla will be directing as the Director at Elements Dance Factory - Miss Marla has entered a pre-retirement phase and is moving to Florida in June, 2024. For the past 12 years Miss Marla has done a production whereby she donates her time, and talents as well as the students at EDF donating the same - they rehearse each week and learn what it means to give back to those in need. We are very proud of this program. We will do our best to keep the program up and running - whether it be a charity show such as this, or something else - EDF will keep the memory of Sarah alive and living in the hearts of all dancers that enter our studio doors!